Last October I posted about my attempts to get the kids to help clean up the kitchen after dinner. The title of the post,
Cinderella, says it all. I, of course, am Cinderella. Ultimately, it didn't work out very well. There's something about having your kids clean up, taking forever to do it and then having to go clean it up after them. Yeah, I know they need to learn about responsibility, blah, blah, blah, but I'd rather be cleaning up the kitchen at 6:30 instead of 8:00.
Hello! Facebook's waiting! Even so, we're currently revisiting the kid kitchen clean up chores. Of course, with the same results as last fall. So far.
Since I've started the other responsibility lessons with Emma and Ryan, I've decided to keep going with it. Perhaps where I've failed with my older children, I can train Ryan and Emma to be better. Perhaps the key is to start young.
Really young.

Yesterday at lunch, I decided it was time to start the lessons. I told Emma and Ryan that they had to clean up after they were finished with lunch.

Not to shabby Emma! How did you get that plate so clean?

Macaroni and cheese all over the floor? Well, at least the dogs will assist in the clean up. Unfortunately, there was a casualty.

Some of Emma's lunch ended up
on Fifi. However, when I went back later to clean Fifi up she was already clean. I can only hope that it was the other dog Bella who cleaned her up. Yeah, let's not go there.
Okay, so the lunch clean up didn't go so well, but Emma decided to make it up to me. She must have caught on to the fact that I
hate paying bills so she decided to pay some for me.

I'm not sure
who this check was made out to but at least she made an attempt. That is after
someone took the checkbook out of my purse, found a marker, opened it up and then filled it out. Not that I'm naming names or anything.
Of course, Ryan couldn't be shown up by a

So he made out his very own check. I was impressed that it looks like he actually tried to fill it in. What scares me is that it looks like he actually tried to fill it in. Also notice that they kept the checks in numerical order. I'm going to have to watch these two. At least I haven't noticed them practicing my signature yet.
that is precious!!! they pick up so much (like writing cheques) without us even knowing it
Love the checks!
I feel your pain. It's so much WORK to teach kids how to work!
Wow...Ryan did a great job on that check. Did he take a stab at balancing the checkbook too?
Love the food on the dog. And very cute plate!
Check to make sure your credit cards are still there!! If either can dial a phone..there maybe a pizza being delivered to your door as we "speak"! Honestly..that is pretty cute!
Darn cute.
I have tried so hard with the after dinner clean up, too, and it - hasn't gone well. Recently the hubs got so tired of it he relieved both girls of their kitchen duties. And their allowances. He said he'd do the dishes every night. I am sitting here this morning looking at a full sink. For about the sixth time in the eight days since he instituted this rule. Argh.
Okay...what I love about you is that you seem to let things roll off your shoulder...
noodles in the dog's hair...writing on the checkbook..those are all things that may make me go crazy!
sandy toe
The pasta on FiFi...poor little thing...but then she doesn't care huh? Bella was happy too!
The little ones writing checks is too funny...they are just doing what Mommy does!
So funny! Good luck with the chores! :D
Just have them make the check out to T-E-R-R-Y-E...
Terrye in FL :)
Macaroni on the dog.....that's hilarious!!! This post cracks me up! You always know how to make me laugh, Denise. I love that about you!!
Have a great rest of the week!!
Don't you know that FiFi shook the mac off onto the wall or ceiling in her "cleaning"? You better look up girl before the kids find it! lol :)
LOL! I see Emma has recruited Ryan in the antics, huh?
I don't know which is funnier the checks or the mac and cheese on the back of the dog. LOL
My son Steven used to think that I was the worse mother in the world because I made him iron his clothes and then one day he went off to basic training and the first letter he sent me was telling me thank you for teaching him how to iron , because none of the guys knew how, and it really made him look good!!! lol So teach them sister, you need the help!!
Love, Kristy
too cute :) - i love hearing about all of your parenting adventures
i tagged you, too btw :)
AAAAAmen! I used to make my 9 and 8 year old girls do the dishes after dinner because "I am NOT the family maid!" but like you said, I didn't like having to re-do them. So now I assign them "table" or "floor" and while it's not much, it's something at least! Still lovin' your blog!
My kid is a little bit older, which means he does a lot more. Seriously he has chores that he does S-T and then he gets Friday & Saturday off for good behavior. That is unless I make him clean his room or take out the trash.
Sometimes having a teen is a GOOD thing.
Dear Ryan,
That's Brandy with a "y" honey. I want to make sure the bank doesn't give me any trouble.
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