Let it be known that I AM alive and well. Let it also be known that I am still without my laptop and even my old, ancient backup laptop. I have been demoted to our old PC upstairs that the kids use for their games and Webkinz and it is highly inconvenient. I come up to use it and within 10 minutes my children sound like they are killing each other from the sounds of the screaming and yelling. For the record, DFS frowns on your children killing each other. Trust me on this.
I would so love to share photos of my trip to Carey's but this dog gone computer won't upload them from my camera. Grrr... I can tell you that I had a wonderful time. Carey is delightful, as are her funny husband Scott and her darling boys Jack and Logan. I can also tell you that I got lots of sleep. Since Emma didn't have her bed to contain her at night, I had to lay down with her to get her to go sleep. I learned something at Carey's house.
Denise + Dark Room + Laying Down = Denise goes to sleep
Yes, I'm that sleep deprived. Or I'm that old. Let's go with sleep deprived.
I have also found something else out about myself since coming home and being computer deprived: When I'm computer deprived I get more house work done.
Yes, I've gone off the deep end.
While you all have been Facebooking and blogging, I've been shampooing the carpet in my van and organizing closets. The horror!!! I even went to Hobby Lobby and bought baskets to organize my stuff. And they were 50% off. But I didn't use a coupon. (Sorry Brandy!)
Trace has been working on my laptop and he claims he should have it fixed by Saturday night when I come home. I'm leaving tomorrow to go pick up Julia from her friend's in Tennesse and coming back home on Saturday. Yes, I'm driving 16 hours in 2 days with 3 small children and 8 hours with 2 middle school girls. Pray for me. Also pray that Trace has my laptop done. Momma needs to blog.
8 years ago
Carey - blogging - Facebook = clean house
Do I dare try out this equation? Heck no!
Try to have a safe (and sane) trip!
Clean houses are overrated. Blogging and Facebook rock. Hope you get back to the real world soon!
I'm with Tammy - cleaning is overrated. Although 50% off isn't too shabby. I wish we had a Hobby Lobby...
Have a safe trip! I'll be looking forward to your return. {That means Trace better deliver on that laptop}
Welcome Back....missed you. Good luck w/ the laptop...go TRACE!!!!
Have a safe trip to get Julia.
Glad your back, I agree about the housework, I haven't FELT like cleaning all week, so I simply havent... I made sure my husband understood last night that I just didn't want to clean so I haven't been, more things like facebook- blogging- and sewing is on my agenda.
But it is nice when you get the cleaning bug and nothing else to do so the house sparkles.. and smells really good!!!
I also wish I had a hobby lobby.
Glad you're having such a great trip! Hope to have you back soon and good luck on the drive!
Hope it all gets fixed soon!
sandy toe
Welcome back... hope your 'puter is fixed soon! Have fun on that lonnngggg drive! Yikes!
Gotta admit, Denise, I was getting worried about you. Even -- dare I say -- a bit panicked! Glad all is well...let's hope your own personal "Geek Squad" can fix the laptop!
FYI, we've gotten a few more prizes for the raffle if you care to spread the word!
Teresa =)
Welcome home Denise...and SAFE journey to TN...hope the little kiddos cooperate!!
I hope Trace can work his magic on your laptop!
I hope the lap top is repaired soon, and I am thinking of you, I'm sure you're in TN now...........enjoy the weekend and better get back to blogging woman!
Well, I for one don't care if your house is clean. I don't live there. I would rather see you here!
I hope your trip to TN is great. Sad you aren't coming to GA but don't blame you a bit. I've cut my trip to my sister/parents short as well.
Trace, work your magic so moomma can have her laptop back!
i've missed you this week-someone's got to tell us what Emma's been up to! Sure hope Trace gets the computer up and running.
Denise + Dark Room + Laying Down = Denise goes to sleep
hmmmm... lizzy+(insert anything that means she's not physically in motion here)=sleep in a nano second.
Good luck with the trip... ugh.
I'm so glad you girls had fun!! I hope you still have your sanity when you get back from this next adventure of yours. And I hope your computer is up and running when you get home. I can't wait to see your pictures.
Welcome Back! The week I was without a computer I lived on Aspirin, I kept running to the library....think I am addicted. You were missed Denise, welcome back!
come back... COME BAAAACK! ;-)
Look for at $100 cheaper consoles, minor but welcome upgrades, and more pressure on Nintendo and Microsoft in the gaming console market wars.
Playstation 3 firmware 3.0 launches... It seems like a pretty small update for an x.0 release, but there are a few nice features worth talking about: itworld.com/personal-tech/76281/playstation-3-firmware-30-launches
A little off topic, Guys... I have a question. Two days ago I found this site:
[url=http://www.rivalspot.com]Rivalspot.com - Wii Live Tournaments[/url]
They say you can play online sports game tournaments on any console for cash... had anyone tried that before? Looks like a cool idea...
Are there any other sites where you can play sports games for real moneys? I Googled and found only Bringit.com and Worldgaming.com but it looks these guys don't specialize in sport gamez. Any suggestions?
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