Strangely enough, the girls didn't know the puppy had been sleeping with me. They thought she was still sleeping in the kennel. But I accidentally let it slip to Jenna last night. Julia was spending the night at a friend's house and Jenna didn't want to sleep alone. She will usually sleep on her nap mat in the babies room and she asked if Bella could sleep with her. I told her that Bella would wander away in the night and poop who knows were but she could sleep in my bed-- with the puppy. It was like a dream come true for her. She was all over that.
I was tired last night and feeling the effects of a cold so I was actually in bed before 10:00-- an absolute rarity for me. I wasn't sleeping, just reading and watching tv and eating pita chips, my late dinner. But I forgot to turn the sleep timer on and fell asleep with the tv on.
Around 3:00 I woke up and realized the tv was still on but also heard something next to my bed. I looked down and there was Emma, sitting on the floor next to my bedside table eating pita chips. She was absolutely wide awake and acting like sitting next to my bed eating pita chips at 3:00 am was the most natural thing in the world. So I picked her up, put her in my bed with a a pita chip still firmly in her grip and made her a bottle.
"Go to sleep, Emma. Mommy needs her sleep." I told her sweetly. Amazingly enough, she obeyed.
Hours later I was awakened by the presence of something on my neck. I woke up enough to realize that Bella was lying across my neck, Jenna was on the opposite side of the bed, Emma was between us lying parallel to the headboard and Fifi was at the bottom of the bed. It was then, as the sun was beginning to rise, that I realized that my bed was becoming a 3 ring circus. Yeah, like that's a revelation, huh?

Pita Chips yummmm! This sort of thing happened to me this summer...but factor in a Rottweiler and a 10 yr old! lol Life she is interesting!
Thanks for the morning giggle! I can only imagine waking up at 3am and finding Emma chowing down on chips. Very funny!!
That's our bed, too... Well, except for the 2 dogs would be replaced by one cat!
I just posted about my own over full King size bed. I can relate. No dogs but little boys can be just as difficult to sleep with.
That was so funny :-) Wonder how long it will take to stop the night visiters. :-)
It's a good thing you have a big bed! Sounded cute! Wonder if you'll have company tonight, too?
Too cute! Sounds like the story, "Ten In The Bed" If you haven't read it you'll need to. Hope you get some restful sleep tonight.
too funny! reminds me of the time i found casey sitting behind the couch noshing on a back of tortilla chips when he was about 16mo!
Girl you crack me up!!
I have the picture in my head of that sweet cheek baby chomping down on Pita chips!!
Too funny! We have been talking about really needing to upgrade our Queen to a King...Little Princess will sometimes wander in during the night to cuddle, add a 35 pound lap-dog-wannabe, and now a new puppy (who is being crate-trained, but will graduate to cuddle time when he's a tad bit older...*grin!*)
Pita Chips are yummy! Too funny that Emma was munching 'em down at 3am...mimicking mommy! ;)
Awwwww...doggies and kids:) I know I always told my husband when the kids were little they were like little furnaces. I swear they had more body heat than I thought possible. I would wake up when they slept with us just sweating! What cracks me up is how comfortable it sounds like Emma was--hey, she was just snacking:)
Oh, I can so relate. And because I relate I can so feel for you!
Here's hoping for a good night's sleep for everyone...
You've fallen off the bed wagon rules again!
When you describe your bed as a 3 ring circus babies and dogs are not the image that would come to mind. Just sayin'
Sounds like our bed without the pets. Our bed sleeps a Mommy,Daddy,5 year old and TWO 21 month olds every night. My Husband has requested when we move, in a couple weeks, we put TWO king size beds together. Sounds like a plan to me.I will post the pictures on my blog when it happens.
There is nothing like the family bed for a wonderful nights sleep. Snuggle up and enjoy! Sweet post!
of course she'd be eating pita chips at 3am, what else is there to do?
my little man used to try to cook (literally) whenever he would wake up. we were awakened one morning to him banging around in the kitchen when he was 4 trying to make omelets!!!
I don't have any kids myself but our 6 year old Cocker Spaniel INSISTS upon sleeping on the bed....I didn't now something soooo small could take up soooo much space!
Denise I would love to be added to your blog roll!! Have a great night!
Denise I would love to be added to your blog roll!! Have a great night!
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