Today I was faced with an ethical dilemma and its BIG. My dilemma is along the same line as death penalty versus life imprisonment. Life support versus pulling the plug. Stealing a loaf of bread to eat versus starving to death. All day long I've wrestled with my decision.
Should I watch Lost on Wednesday night or DVR it and watch it later when the kids go to bed? I told you it was big. Life changing. Earth shattering.
You see, Lost is an event, not an hour of television watching. Its a three hour event. One hour recap of last season and then two brand spankin' new episodes back to back. I could DVR it and then spend the evening looking longing at every television I pass in the house. Why torture myself like that? I've waited 8 months for this night.
So why don't I just watch it? I can give you four reasons: Julia, Jenna, Ryan and Emma. There ain't no way on God's green earth that those four would leave me be for 3 hours. My general rule when Lost airs is no one disturbs me unless they are bleeding, and not just bleeding, bleeding profusely. Broke a bone? It can wait an hour, shoot you'd wait at least that long in the ER. Bumped your head? It can wait. The only medical crisis that I can think of that needs immediate attention is profuse bleeding, well and maybe a heart attack. But with the oldest child on that list being 11, I think we can safely rule out the possibility of a heart attack, unless it's me after some earth shattering revelation on Lost.
{Note to self: Check into getting a defibulator machine}
What's the big deal? you ask. Go watch your "event" for three hours. If you seriously are telling me this you must be a man. Sure, if you're a guy you can hold your kids off for 3 hours but if you're a mom... let's just say you feel really loved.
Then there's the guilt. How can you abandon your children for 3 hours??? I admit, it makes me feel tremendously guilty but then I tell myself I'm pretty much here 24/7. Consider it a "girls night lost." And Ross volunteered to take care for kids.
Done deal! I'm getting Lost. But where am I getting Lost? The living room is out of the question for four very obvious reasons.
But there's my room through those double doors. Freshly cleaned.
Or I could turn that big comfy chair and ottoman around and watch the tv there. But seriously, who am I kidding? Those kids will be pounding on those double doors within 15 minutes of my sequestration. Plus, the lock really doesn't work very well so the pounding will have the doors bursting open revealing Emma and Ryan and possibly Jenna and then they'd never go away. This would never work.
What to do? What to do? Looking around my bedroom I saw this:
I called down to Ross and soon we had those double doors off their hinges...
Because that's the only way to get that big @ss chair in the bathroom. Yep, I'm watching Lost in the bathroom. Behind not one, but TWO sets of double doors. The cable cord for the tv is about 20 feet long so it will reach into the bathroom.
I needed to practice to make sure this was going to work. Now I just need a cooler for drinks and I can put snacks on the counter and I'm set because once I close those doors I'm stuck in there until its over. If those kids see me, I can kiss it all goodbye.
If I get bored during the commercials there's a bunch of naked Barbies to play with. But somehow, I think I'll muddle through without them.
8 years ago
LOL! That is too, too funny! I can't even escape to the bathroom most times.....they always find me!
Enjoy your show!
Always rememeer I am a fllow Lostie as well my invitation is always open. You can to my house and have your little brother cook you dinner and also watch lost with you
Oh, my...I was laughing out loud. That is too funny.
I'll be thinking of you safely ensconced behind double sets of doors tomorrow at 8. I'll be watching it on the DVR after my kiddos go to bed (because my bathroom isn't large enough for a chair and ottoman).
I am DVRing it! I need to watch after the munchkins go to bed.
All evening tomorrow I will be bouncing around til I can finally watch it.
Oh what us moms will go thru to get our way! Have fun tonight!
that is way too funny!!!!! hope you had fun getting - i mean watching - lost!!!!
I wish my cable cord was long enough! I will probably DVR it, so I can fast forward through the commercials!! We are huge Lost fans too~
I can relate. The moment I sneak off to do anything, I want to do instead of need to do, chaos ensues. I created an office for myself last year. The understanding is that when my door is closed I am not to be disturbed. Of course, "disturb" is a relative word for my brood. I guess it's pretty cool to be wanted.
We are DVRing Lost and watching it after the kids are in bed. Because, if I don't do that, someone will get hurt...because my kids cannot be quiet for 3 minutes, let alone 3 hours!
OH...I am very excited for "Lost"..I will probaly watch 15 minutes late (TIVO) so I can fast forward the commercials!
-sandyt oe
HAHAHA!! You are too funny! And how sweet of Ross to offer to take care of the kids!!! I know you'll enjoy it!
Carey, I finally found a good use for all that space in my bathroom!!!
I LOVE IT!!!!!!! May I make a suggestion that you record it ANYWAY just in case?? Then you can replay the best parts even if you have NO interruptions and you WILL NOT HAVE ANY INTERRUPTIONS!!
I hope you enjoy EVERY MINUTE! EVERY ONE!
Jill, EXCELLENT idea!!! Besides, you just never know what's really going to happen tonight...
This post CRACKED me up! YOU crack me up! I am watching Lost tonight also but I have no kids! Only a finace who will probably want dinner but he can hit up one of the million fast food places near our house..LOL! Oh and two dogs but they don't mind me watching Lost so no need for me to take a big @ss chair into the bathroom! (Not that one would fit in my tiny bathroom anyway!
Good luck, I hope it works!!
Holy smokes - you can fit a chair in your bathroom?? Well it does look comfy. I still don't know what it's all about so have fun tonight! Maybe I will be caught up in a few weeks.
Wow - great bedroom & bathroom!
Enjoy your 3 hour event!
Okay, Denise. I really think you might need a 12 step program for those addicted to mildly confusing tv series. What do you think about starting a LA (Lost Anonymous) group? No, that would be too much like putting a bunch of crackheads in a room and telling them to talk about why they love crack so much! I guess you'll just have to live with your addiction. At least it's legal, right?
Seriously, have a great evening. You totally deserve it. Oh, and remember not to flush the toilet or you know the munchins will hear it and make a bee line for mom. Stealth mode is imperative tonight. Let us know how it went. We'll be waiting to hear from you.
i hear you on the kids always finding or getting to you. i was passed out after gallbladder surgery in my room with the door locked and in comes little man because he's hungry and daddy was on the phone (with the dr about my meds)!
have a great night - praying you will be at peace!!!
How funny!! I needed a giggle today so you were the answer. :-)
Don't kill me for saying this but I have never watched it before.
It must be good if your rearranging furniture to watch it :)
I think the bathroom is a wonderful place. We all need a little "me" time. And mom's aren't picky about were to find it either!!
Have fun!!
What a hoot! I am not a Lost fan, but I have some fairly strict rules about disturbing me during my fav TV shows too. Just to be safe, I always DVR too!
Enjoy...........and can you get in the tub and soak and still see the TV too? 3 hours and you might be too wrinkled, but hey you never know.
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