This morning Ryan was sitting at our kitchen island eating his breakfast. Jenna was still sleeping and Emma was done, so the slowest eater in my family was being his usual pokey self when he stopped me and gave me a surprise.
When he woke up this morning he seemed a bit more clingy than usual. After I got him and up and changed one of the nastiest diapers I've changed in quite some time. (Thank God I can't smell!) I put him down when we were done and held his hand to go down the stairs, however he wanted to be held. So I picked him up, although I confess after a millisecond of irritation (he usually walks down himself) and we went downstairs. He was in a snugly mood so I took advantage of it and we watched Rachel Ray together and he wanted something from the kitchen. Breakfast.
So he and Emma ate and I made my mocha. Then Emma finished (she's not much of a breakfast girl) and it was just Ryan and I as I wiped off counters and he ate his yogurt and powdered sugar donut. All of a sudden he stopped me and started saying "come 'er, come 'er" as he held his hand up and waved his fingers in a beckoning motion.
I walked closer to him. "What do you need Ryan?"
"Come 'er, come 'er." He was repeating it over and over.
I moved closer and closer. I was about 18 inches in front of him and leaning down so that we were face to face.
He still kept saying "Come 'er, come 'er."
So I laughed and leaned even closer so that we were nose to nose. Suddenly he raised the arm he had been using to beckon me with and wrapped it around my neck and gave me a huge hug. My heart melted.
Some days I really love being a mom.
8 years ago
What a sweet little boy. My heart melted just reading about it. :)
Awwwww. That is so cute and sweet of him.
How sweet! One of those moments you'll remember forever.
That's so sweet!
Oh how sweet is that? Cherish these unexpected moments so that they can last forever in your heart.
So sweet...aren't those the best moments!
How sweet..that is what it is all about!
-sandy toes
that is such a sweet story! happy new year to you and yours! :)
AWWWW, that is just so sweet. Makes that messy diaper a minor memory doesn't it?
My nearly 11 year old still snuggles in my lap most night just before bed time.
That's so SWEET!
To cute..Lindsey did the same thing today..after I thought I was going to have to duct tape her to the shopping cart this morning LOL! Makes it all worth it!
That is ONE adorable little guy!
I do have to add that I was afraid he was going to throw up on you after his yukky diaper!!! GLAD he did NOT!
What a great mommy moment!
What a sweet way to start your day!!
LOL, I also thought you were going to say he threw up on you!!
I'm glad it was just some lovin' from your baby!
Okay, I hadn't even considered that he might throw up on me... although I suppose it WAS a possibility after that NASTY diaper!!! It would have made a really great post though but so far 2009 seems to be off to a good start!
Oh, Denise, I was rooting for you that whole post...she's gonna get a kiss...or a hug...or BOTH! Those sweet little moments (along with the moments, like now, when Carson falls dead asleep in the middle of the floor) truly are the icing on the Mommy cake!!
Teresa =)
P.S. Your Wii comments on my post yesterday along with the statement about us visiting had me TOTALLY puzzled. I had to read through all your comments to figure out what in the world Meggie had posted on YOUR blog! BTW, her saying she wants us to visit you is her sneaky way of trying to get invited along on the tattoo road trip!! I told her only if Kristin's Katie comes too!!
Oh, yeah, and only if you can keep your teenaged boy away from her!!
Teresa =)
Nothing better than a hug!!
awwwww~ so precious!!
Those are the moments that keep us mommy's going day after day.
PS something on my blog for you.
Awwwww he loves his mommy!
What a precious moment! Brings a tear to my eye this morning~
OH, I now have tears. I just love that little boys face, I think its the eyes. That is so sweet!
What a great way to start the day.
Stopping by from SITS!! Love your blog!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I really just needed a place where I could vent and just be myself without worrying what everyone else is thinking.
What a sweet little boy!
Hello from a fellow SITSta!
Awww how sweet! It's worth all the stinky diapers in the world to get hugs like that.
Hi Denise,
Dee here... I just wanted to write and tell you that I have spent hours reading your blog tonight after a really bad day and I want to tell you that I have laughed and cried and find you a huge inspiration and am wondering if reading your blog and seeing your beautiful children and deciding to try to have a baby because of it is a good thing or not. :-) So Denise... if a baby is created late tonight you can be sure it will be because of how HAPPY and BEAUTIFUL your children are. Not sure if any of that made any sense but I'm overwhelmed right now and ...well, I don't know what else to say!
HI! I just found you through SITS and have been reading a bunch of your posts. LOVE your family!!! What beautiful, precious children you have! I'm grabbing a button - I'll be back!
Over from SITS - Oh, how PRECIOUS!! Love those moments!! :) Love your blog - I'm grabbing your button so I can have a 'short cut' to come back here more often! ;)
Awwwww. Kids are so darn sweet.
That's really sweet~
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