Emma throws a temper tantrum within 5 minutes of waking up because she wants to drink the remnants of the Diet Coke can on Mommy's bedside table.
It was a lovely start to the day. Thank goodness Starbucks was giving away free pastries to put a bright spot in my morning.
8 years ago
Is it bad I throw those kind of tantrums when I don't get dt coke and I'm 30?
I'm so glad Jasmine is just a few weeks behind Emma because I can learn from the best! Jasmine's tantrum yesterday morning was that I gave her the milk she asked for and then she wanted juice instead. I DARED to encourage her to drink her milk first...Monica
Gotta love those terrible twos!
With the last two posts, it looks like we are getting the old Denise back. Are you feeling better?
Awww heck. I know it's not cute in person (cause you can hear it and all) but it sure is cute in pictures! LOL!
Did ya' hear that they are testing some SBs to serve beer & liquor?? Mama might be able to get more than an expresso shot in her local SB soon enough! :)
Glad you're back, missed you and your precious kiddos! Hope your "funk" is getting better? I feel the same often, thanks for sharing. Love the diet coke tantrum! We gettem too!
How precious is that!!! I can say that now since my youngest has kissed the 2 year old stage goodbye.
Right there with ya sister!! I am so glad you are back I really missed reading about your fun life adventures. Doesn't it sound better when our hectic life is referred to as an adventure instead of torture!!
That's what Starbucks is for, right? For us to run to when the kids are being terrors!! My Lily has become quite the Diet Cherry Coke addict too and will not hesitate to throw a tantrum if she's told no. She'll be 3 in a few weeks......wish me luck on getting her out of the terrible two's!
You are raisin' her right to get in a tizzy over a diet coke. I have been known to throw tantrums when the Sonic is on the wrong side of the road and I can't get my diet coke either. Or when my husband does not take my request to stop for a diet coke seriously.
I love Emma!
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