But tonight in the midst of more chaos than usual, it occurred to me that we celebrate Mother's Day all wrong. Mother's Day isn't a real mother's day. I think we should celebrate a real mother's day.
How about when your day starts off at 4:00 am when Emma wakes up crying, so you bring her to your bed with you in your desperate need to get back to sleep only to have her climbing all over you and trying to get out of the bed? I woke up a mere 3 hours later, on a Saturday no less, because my high school senior son can't get his booty out of bed in the mornings to go to school. So he has to go to Saturday school if he has any desire of actually graduating in a week, but I had to get up to make sure he got up and out the door. Being tardy to Saturday school when your in Saturday school for tardies? Not cool.
The rest of the children began to crawl out from their hibernation and I fed them breakfast while continuously scooping Emma off the kitchen counter. I dare to leave to get my hair done and upon arriving home I discovered one of my toddlers had scribbled with Sharpie all over the dining room chair. (Three guesses which one and the first two don't count.) None of the little kids got naps because we took Trace out to lunch for his birthday. After lunch, the four younger kids played outside all afternoon which concluded with a free for all sand toss, of course landing in all their hair.
It was just me and the little kids so I made Ramen noodles and had the audacity add some frozen vegetables to the noodles in an attempt to make them somewhat healthy. Or course, I was met with great opposition which was somewhat suppressed when I suggested that if anyone wanted ice cream cake they had to eat their veggies too.
Trace and Cody were on a date, Ross was working, Julia was at a friend's and Emma was extremely fussy. I took her temperature and she was running a fever, most likely strep throat that she caught from Ryan. All she wanted was her mommy to hold her and rock her in the rocking chair. But I had two 3 year olds that were wanting my attention, not to mention that they had to have bathes. Their hair was full of sand.
As I was rocking Emma, wondering how I was going to get the boys in the tub, it occurred to me that the Octomom lost her ever lovin' mind. I had four kids 6 and under. What on God's green earth was she thinking with six and going for more? But hey, to each their own, I was in the middle of my own kid crisis and the nannies weren't showing up to take over.
It all worked out. Emma settled down. The boys and Jenna made it in the tub. Sand was extricated. Children were soon put to bed. And I realized it was days like today that need to be celebrated, the real days. I realized something else too. Crazy as it is, I love my babies and I wouldn't trade a thing. Maybe I'm more like Octomom than I thought.

And thats why you have your bloggy backup to agree and tell you that you are absolutely right. I think our kids pester and fuss as their thank you for all that we do everyday. At least thats what I keep telling myself...
Happy Mothers Day Denise!
I agree we need to celebrate the miracles that our children are everyday. God Bless and Happy Mother's Day!!
Amen, Denise. Thank you for that.
It it the everyday things that matter! happy moms day!
Once again you make my life feel normal!! What a day, hope Em feels better. Have a WONDERFUL Mother's Day. The card from Baby B said it all.....Mom I know I can be a stinker, but I am a cute stinker!! Pretty much hit it on the head. They are lucky they are so cute!! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day, and maybe, just maybe you won't have to cook anyway...
Motherhood is made up of so many different moments, and your day was just one of them. Happy Mother's day, keep smiling, you are a wonderful woman!!
I'm tired just thinking about your day! LOL I hope you do have a wonderful Mother's Day today Denise! You deserve it!
you tell it like it is! i wouldn't trade a day like that for any other.
happy mother's day!!
If we didn't have days like that every day, what would we celebrate on Mother's Day?
Thinking of you today, and celebrating right along with you!
Oh I love it! You ROCK!!!
Wishing you a VERY Happy Mother's Day! :)
Here, here to a real Mother's Day!
I changed a poopy diaper, cleaned the kitchen, dealt with more tantrums than I can count, made parachutes out of plastic bags for little army men, wiped another little butt and am about to make dinner.
A real mother's day, indeed!
happy mother's day :-)
You have such a beautiful way with words...
I hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day, no matter what because you're an awesome Mother that deserves it!
You crack me up! Hope you had a great day today! Happy Mother's Day 365 days a year Denise!
Happy Mother's Day dear Denise!!! You are right...we should relish these kinds of days!!
I hope Miss Emma is not full fledge strep!
Are you sure you don't want to come over and take a nap in my washer? It is VERY private (NO ONE will bother you in there for fear of having to ACTUALLY DO a load) and surprisingly comfy!
You are such a flippin' Superwoman that you make me look bad...
I'm with you girl, it's the craziness that makes us who we are!! And I wouldn't change it for the world!!
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