On the Fifth Day of Christmas, Denise gave to me:
As I said in the Preview post, I almost didn't get this because it reeks of "Mommy" to me but my SIL Janne' assured me that it was an EXCELLENT gift. So here it is!
But what can you put in this picture frame? Apparently it gives you a slide show so let me suggest a few photos to place on display.
By now you all know the drill but there might be some people new to our fun. How can you win this digital picture frame? You have two ways to enter.
-- Leave me a comment
-- Follow me to the ends of the earth, or just Follow me by clicking on that button under the BlogHer ad and blogroll that says "Follow this blog."
I don't really plan on going to the ends of the earth; I've already done that with my 2 trips to China and one lengthy stay in Vietnam. But there is some talk of a There's Room For More Road Trip, and tattoos might be involved. It could be a really fun trip! We even have an official photographer!
The comments will be open from 12:01 am Thursday until 9:00 pm CST. Some of you weren't sure if you were in time or not tonight so let me give you a heads up: At 9:00 I go in and turn the comment feature off so if you can leave a comment then you're good!
Good luck!
This day is now closed.

Wow! This is incredible! I've been wanting one of these SOOO bad! :) Count me in! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I follow you! :) Love your blog!
Yehaw...yeah for a fun way to display photos!
And yes...I love following your blog and knowing there is another mom out there dealing with toddler tantrums at restaurants. My personal fav!:)
Denise, these are great. I just bought one for my parents for Christmas - 4 kids for them, 4 grandkids ..... it looks like a picture frame convention in their den - all those pictures and more will be on the frame so they can actually see the credenza again! And (they said) its really easy to add more pics - I'm doing theirs tomorrow so it can be wrapped and under the tree before they get here on Christmas Eve!
Can't wait to see who wins this one. With some of the stories I've read on your blog (as well as your book) I'd follow you to the end of the Earth - ok just back to your blog "daily". :D
Here I go again..try try again.. :)
Of course I FOLLOW YOU>>>
Oh I would really love to win this one for a friend of me and my husband. We have been wanting to get one for awhile because our friend is a photographer and it would be wonderful place to put all the photos, but we haven't been able to afford one yet :P
I am following to the ends ;)
You are a hoot! Consider my a follower......
Well, with you sending love this way, how can I lose?? One with children can NEVER have too many picture frames!! :-)
and I do already follow you, but I bet you've figured that out by now......
Love this been wanting one for years.
I also follow and have been since you traveled for Ryan.
Very Nice. Love the pictures too!
Joan http:itty-izzy.blogspot.com
I also follow you
If you do get tattoos, are you all getting matching ones?
I really want one of these! My Dad lives in another state and I would like to keep him updated of the kiddo's pictures. :)
I am following you too! :)
Another really great gift. You are so generous.
I follow you but probably only to the ends of the united states until I get my new passport.
Woo hoo! I would love this one!
And, I still follow you...even though I haven't won anything yet! ;-)
Joan, then we REALLY would be a cult! No, I'm still trying to figure out what I want,but it will be something small, hidden and tasteful.
However, that would be a test of true loyalty. We could all get the little dove logo on my header and button tattooed on our tushies!
Oh, my mom would love this...pick me, pick me!!!!
i really want this one!!!
Wow! Pick me! What a great prize!
I am totally following you. :)
Girl, count me in!!
I would like to find out more about the road trip that involves tattoos :)
Another great gift! I have you linked on my blog.
I'm also a follower but you already knew that didn't you...
And don't feel bad I also carry my camera EVERYWHERE!
I think your giveaways are great! I follow you!
Okay...I chuckled at the picture of your daughter at Applebees...I have SO been there!
Happy Thursday!
-sandy toes
I want it!!!!
I absolutely love these. I have one and would love another. I am an avid reader, adore your stories about your kids.
Susan and Kate
Riverview FL
I have 6 kiddos and 2 leaving to go into the army.... I have 4 littles ones adopted from different countries....we could so use one of these picture frames!!!!
Im going now to follow your blog....
I too carry my smaller camera everywhere with me...and the Applebee's trip...I have those all the time with my 4...isnt it so much fun??? NOT!
Merry CHRISTmas!
I would love this! Oh, I hope I win.
I also am a follower (: And my daughter from Vietnam throws tantrums in restaurants over the same exact thing! Drives us crazy.
If I keep entering I'm bound to win something...right? I'm a follower, who would LOVE this little diddy.
I follow you! This is something I've wanted forever, but never think to buy.
I would love to win this and give it to my in laws as a Christmas gift.
Vanessa D
I'm a follower pick me pick me.
Vanessa D
Denise, this has been so much fun!!! I haven't been so lucky but I'm certainly blessed. So, I'm trying again. I'd certainly put all your photos in that frame -to cute!
Always following!
oh!!!!! this is great!!!!! all our pictures are digital and this would be perfect for me to use at work to show off my pictures!!!!!
i'm a follower - and it is fun to enter contests, even if i don't win. although, i'd be lyin' if i didn't say it would be WAY COOL to win something.
I love the photos, and they would be the first I would upload on the frame if I won. Especially the one of Emma, cracks me up, I try not to even give Amelia the option and bring a sippy cup w/ me.
Of course I am a follower.
Kim, if you use those pictures, do so at your own risk. No money back guarantees.
Lorie, you THINK I would learn to bring one. Some days I'm not too organized. But in my defense, the sippy cup thing is still kinda new with Emma.
What the hey, it sounded good.
you are so cute! i'm following you, and i would totally follow you on that fantabulously fun road trip - especially if tatoos are involved, loL! :) please count me in for the frame, too :)
katylinvw(at)yahoo(dot)com :)
Hey Denise,
If you don't mind, I was wondering what kind of camera you have (the one that you carry everywhere)? I have a digital SLR but it to too big for me to carry everyday (or I'm just to lazy). I have a digital point and shoot but it has too much of a delay to get good shots of my fast moving kids. So I was curious about yours.
Thanks...and I'm following you.
Are you kidding---of course I'm in for this awesome gift! OK, about the road trip...I will follow you anywhere, but I'm way too wimpy to get a tattoo. Will you offer the press on version?
(Some day I'll figure out how to not do this anonymously.) :)
That pic of Emma looks strangely familiar...oh, wait! I think we have a similar one of The Manimal throwing a tantrum in a restaurant for just.the.same.reason. Sigh. Must be the toddler in them!
I have wanted one of these for a while!
I am also a follower!
I am a follower.
We unforunately do not go to the restaurant as a family. The 2 1/2 year old would not behave and she will not eat the food. She is so picky.
I already follow you. Am I supposed to be posting that again?
Carey, I have a Canon Power Shot DS1100 IS. (I'll have you know that I didn't just KNOW that-- I looked. To me it's my "little camera" although I did know it was a Canon.) I also have a Canon Rebel SLS. I LOVE my SLS but like you said, its BIG. Not conducive to just plopping in your purse, believe me, I've actually tried.
When I went to China this summer I knew I would be carrying Emma around and have a new 2 year old so having my camera flopping around and whacking my babies in the head wasn't the best of ideas. So I did some research on Consumer Reports and the Canon Power Shot was in the top rankings. I love it because I can literally put it in my pants pocket if I want. It is slower than my SLS and it improves the speed if you take the red eye feature off but then my children look a bit rabid. ;)
Hope that helps!
Janne' and others, tatooes are optional. You can either watch us get ours or we can plan some other activity for those of you who opt out. ;)
I take my camera with me everywhere too. It stays in my purse all the time...cause you just never know.
If I win I would totally add your pictures. Swear. Pinkie swear even.
Poor Ross he only managed to get an elbow on the post. He needs to step up his game.
I'm digging the bread crumbs you left so that I could follow you.
I’ve seen these in the store before, and figured I couldn’t afford to buy one…the security bow tie was a dead giveaway that it was expensive. I would love something like this as a gift to our family to view the photos from our two pick-up trips to Guatemala this year. The kiddo’s would love it and would stop fingerprinting the photos they look at LOL.
Oh a roadtrip! Sounds fun. Don't count me in the contest since I already won. Love the pictures! Especially the one of Ryan's expression during Emma's meltdown. :)
I love the picture frame. We had one years ago BUT we had to pay for an internet service to keep the photos up. That was a long time ago and they have obviously come a long way! Of course, I follow your blog, silly. And in case you're taking requests, I would love for the 6th day of Christmas to be an "Alice-type" maid to come and clean my nasty house before my Christmas company shows up on Saturday. I don't ask for much, do I?
Heather if I was giving away a maid service I would totally rig the drawing so that my big red bowl was full of MY name. Have you seen my house? Wait, yes you have! You know I need it!
Total honesty served here. ;)
Great prize!!!!! Whoo-hoo! I also follow you.
I take WAY too many pictures and this would be a FANTASTIC way to display them! Thanks for the chance!
AND..I'm following you! Hope we go somewhere fun!
Amazing gift...just the thing to give my father in law and wife. I am so crossing my fingers on this one!!!
On to just as important issues- a tattoo? This sounds very interesting. (I also try not to leave home without my camera...)
I am a follower....I've been around the world twice for you. If I win, it might take me a little time to answer because I am out for another lap. The good thing is that my time keeps improving. :D
I love to follow your blog. Your blog is the best
Count me in!
Ann, if you win, I'll hold it for you. Thanks for the heads up!
Oh do I have some moments at Applebee's with my kiddos too! The most recent was when my husband decided to take a chip away from our son that had been with us for less than three weeks at that point...
I just found your blog yesterday and will be following you to the ends!
Ryan, pick me!! Now, go get that little sister of yours in line. :-)
Cool-i've wanted one of these.
And I'm a follower . . .
Wow, I just came to say "hey!" and then had to wade through 7500 comments. Dang.
OK, so..."HEY!"
Oh, I love the look on Ryan's face! He looks like he's thinking "where's the off switch..somebody hurry"!
Great prize today!
...and of course I follow!
I dont know which pic would be best.
I cant wait to see Christmas morning pics at your house.
(already a Follower - Cult Member)
Love the picture frame, hope I win.
What's dinner out with the kiddos and no one acting up? I'm sure I dont know.:o)
Oh yes this I would like!! I would certainly add the Emma picture. We have had a few like that here too!
Your blog design is so cute! Count me in for a chance to win!
What a great giveaway!
I saw in an earlier post in your blog you have a Jenna. That is my daughters name too! Your kids are adorable.
Oh my goodness - 82 comments when I posted this one. People likey some presents!!! And what a nice Santa you are!!! (: Wendi
Oh!!! This is at the top of my Christmas list!
I follow you too!!!!!
maybe today will be my lucky day!
Great giveaway Denise!!! I'm a follower of your blog, love the pictures of Emma and Ryan today at Applebee's. Just seeing the fun coming our way when we finally make it to China!!!
I would love to see my cuties in that frame!
Laurel M
I follow you also and love your blog. Count me in.
You have a beautiful family! And I have wanted that same Digital frame for weeks now...keep dropping hints but so far nada!
Misadventures in Baby Raising
Of you talked me into it...I'm now following!
Dearest Santa -
You know this is the one gift of Denise's giveaway that I REALLY, REALLY want. I've been a good girl. I follow Denise's blog. I love her witty monologues and hilarious pics. I'm even the official road trip photographer.
Please, Santa. I want this gift BAD!!
Teresa =)
I will follow. And, this is my first time to follow anyone. Donna
I'm so not a follower, but I'll try and be good!
Ana's Mom
Man, when I scanned (read) this earlier, I missed the whole "tattoo" thing. That's our trip, right??
When are we going? Where are we going? Is Teresa still the official blog photographer???
WOW!!! I'm comment #97!!! I've never had that many before!
Yep, that's our trip! Teresa IS the official photographer and no we haven't made any plans yet. Maybe this summer when school's out?
Keeping my fingers crossed! I have nothing else to do we are in the middle of an ice storm! Which hopefully means no work tomorrow!!!!
I am a follower!! Thanks for your giveaways this week. I work in our local school district and this is the craziest week of the whole year this has been such a highlight to my crazy week!!
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