Isn't this a little spontaneous???
No, I planned to adopt from China first. I started my paperwork for China in December, 2006. I finished it in March of 2007 and realized I had a long wait ahead of me for a baby. I had requested a baby girl, age 0-12 months. At that point the wait was 3 years, now some estimate it to be 4-5 years. Once I turned in my paperwork for China I immediately began to think about adopting from Vietnam which had a much shorter wait time. The question then was do I just switch all of my immigration paperwork from China to Vietnam or do I start over? So it was in April of 2007, about the time I was offically logged into China (LID 4/7/07), that I made my decision to pursue two adoptions or at the very least keep the China adoption option open. As with all things I left it up to God. I felt like that was what He wanted me to do so I just tried to follow His will.
Isn't it alittle soon after adopting Emma?
Perhaps it is but it feels like the right time and the right child. Some people are worried that Emma is still a baby and both Emma and our new child will suffer from my lack of enough attention to both. My new son will be 2 1/2 years old when I get him. Most 2 year olds don't want to sit around on Mommy's lap all day. And by that time I fully expect Emma to be mobile so I am more worried about dropping dead from exhaustion chasing a 2 year old and 1 year old around. And not to worry, there's plenty of hugs, cuddles and kisses to go around. Not to mention older brothers and sisters to give bonus kisses and hugs.
Are you crazy or just addicted to adopting?
Maybe I am crazy. But someone tell me what's wrong with loving kids and wanting to have a home full of love? This works for our family. It might not work for your's and that's ok.
How many more are you going to adopt?
I plan on this being my last child but if God has other plans for me, of course I will be open to them.
Why special needs? And can you afford a child who needs medical care?
There is a little boy living on the other side of world who needs a family. We are a family who wants to give him lots of love. What more needs to be said?