Thursday, September 6, 2007

My Ella Joy

I have in my profile that I am waiting for my precious Ella Joy. I have just found out today that I will probably leave SOONER to get her than I thought. Consequently, I am going crazy!!! I am closing on a house, living in a hotel and leaving the country for 3 weeks! And this is all happening within 2 weeks! The timing of it all truly stinks but I wouldn't change a thing, except that maybe my builder finished my house 5 weeks sooner!

But when I look at this precious baby I just can't a minute longer than necessary to go get her!

It looks like I will be closing on my house on a Wednesday. The movers show up on a Thursday to bring my stuff out of storage and around 3:00 I'm headed to the airport to bring home my daughter! Why do these things always happen to me?

So if I'm quiet for the next few weeks its because I'm overwhelmed with all the things that need to be done to

1)close my house and sort out all those details

2) make arrangements for all deliveries to my house and installations of appliances, etc while I am gone

3) prepare for a 3 week trip to Vietnam to get a baby which means I have many things to take for a baby (the smaller the size the more things they need!)

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